404 Cities under Climate Change—Coherence, Innovation, and Urbanity: Exploring the Human-Habitat Dimension toward the Adaptive Capacity

Monday, 13 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
tzen-Ying ling, tamkang Univ., Taipei, Taiwan
Manuscript (134.9 kB)

The approach for resilient adaptive capacity requires a rigorous and comprehensive
understanding of available practice toward mitigation and sustainability under flood risk
in urban centers. We ascertain that this calls for swift restorative actions to amend the
ecology damages with the incorporation of ‘resilience’ elements as available methods
of environmentally sensitive, innovative practices.
The theoretical framework includes criteria pertaining to sustainability, resilience and
adaptive practice. The semi-structured interview documented 15 respondents from the
Peitou Plateau in Taipei and focused on their experience and resilience thinking under
climate change, affecting their personal engagement with climate change. The flood
resilience thinking corresponds to a place specific model to sustain its social resilience
and helps to inform on how to best share about mitigating climate change. Given this,
the resilience capacity stems from the local adaptive learning. In addition, the study
ascertained that in the face of climate risks, the deconstructed criteria are based on (1)
adaptive measures is aided and enhanced by visualization model, since what we have
seen is what we gather in perception forming; (2) information gathered for risk impact
assessment differ among the residents; (3) adaptive capacity could be raised by
effective mitigation tool and (4) community ability to reflect on past actual time scenario
emerges as an effective mean in the capacity to mitigate flood risks. At the same time,
being feasible for an amelioration of our urban condition under climate risks; most
importantly, the assessment contributes toward the sustainability for the future of
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner