1476 Using NASA Earth Observations within DHIS2 to support Malaria Control Decisions

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
John Beck, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and T. Berendes, U. Nair, J. C. Luvall, and J. Painter

Researchers at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NASA propose to improve malaria control decision making in sub-Saharan Africa by developing and deploying a technology for incorporating the latest NASA Earth observations for surface temperatures, precipitation, and vegetation health into a widely used health management information system platform titled District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2). DHIS2 is the preferred health management information system in 60 countries across four continents worldwide including all sub-Saharan African countries with whom CDC works. The integration of environmental data with malaria disease information will provide disease control decision makers with the situational view needed to optimize interventions. The results of this project will serve to extend the use of NASA Earth observation products to a new health user community. Successful fusion of Earth observation data with a health monitoring application will be applicable to other NASA data products and other diseases monitored through DHIS2. A three phased approach will be used to integrate Earth observation (EO) data with DHIS2-based decision making, with Phase 1 including familiarization with the DHIS2 platform, experimenting with the integration of example EO data, and initiating agreements with partner countries. Phase 2 will include the refinement and automation of the data integration capabilities, and initial deployment and testing with partners. Phase 3 will include building the capacity to utilize the EO data within partner country health ministries and final hardening and deployment of processes.
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