Monday, 13 January 2020: 9:30 AM
203 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Vector radiative transfer (VRT) theory describes the propagation of a polarized light in a turbid medium, which absorbs and scatters light upon interaction. VRT is a core element in remote sensing of the Earth’s system, where VRT is used in sensitivity studies of different environmental parameters or as a forward model to the least squares fitting of active or passive sensor measurements. In this talk we will present a VRT model based on the successive order of scattering (SOS) method, which has been under continuous development for more than 10 years. The features of the model include atmosphere-ocean/atmosphere-land coupling, accurate full Stokes parameter prediction, flexible sensor locations, coupling between gas absorption and particle scattering, elastic and inelastic scattering in ocean waters. The model has important applications in remote sensing of the atmosphere, include water clouds, aerosols, and ocean color. Several examples of the model’s usage in remote sensing will be presented.