6.5 Broadcast Meteorologists' Role in Launching the New Certified AMS Teacher (CAT) Program

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 10:00 AM
204AB (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Wendy Abshire, American Meteorological Society, Washington, DC; and M. McCann, D. Charlevoix, J. S. Malmberg, and K. Savoie

Since 1957, the AMS has proudly offered certification programs for broadcasters and consulting meteorologists. As the Society turns 100, it is introducing its first new certification in decades to recognize K-12 educators who have demonstrated exceptional understanding of weather, water and climate science and have successfully implemented it in their classrooms. With the launch of the Certified AMS Teacher (CAT) program, the Society is creating stronger ties for educators to engage in AMS activities, stay abreast of scientific advancements, and create a community of educators with a passion for educating students about the weather, ocean, and climate sciences. Details of the CAT program were co-developed by members of boards and committees under the Commissions of Professional Affairs and Education and Human Resources and included both former and current teachers as well as AMS staff. CAT is modeled after other Society certifications including the Certified Broadcast Meteorologist (CBM) designation, and requires ongoing professional development to maintain the certification. As the CAT program gains momentum, it will provide networking opportunities and meaningful engagement with the membership and activities of the American Meteorological Society including the teacher professional development activities offered by the Education Program.

Broadcast meteorologists are beacons for science to their viewing audiences and many engage actively with teachers and students by making classroom visits in their local areas. As such, broadcasters like yourselves are an essential component of raising the awareness of the CAT program to teachers across the country. As the program gets more firmly off the ground in 2020, more information, marketing materials, and social media campaigns will be launched to recruit teachers who are interested in earning the CAT micro-credential from the AMS.

During this presentation we will share the program's vision and details on how one can become a Certified AMS Teacher. We will outline how you can help launch the program and help reach teachers everywhere who are thirsty to gain more knowledge about weather, ocean, and climate science and bring their new found confidence to their students.

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