In this study, we evaluate the added-value of NASA Soil Moisture Active-Passive (SMAP) soil moisture retrievals to short-term (6-30 hr) wind forecasts. We apply a weakly-coupled NASA Unified WRF-Land Information System (LIS) modeling configuration to simulate 75 GPLLJ cases between 2015-2017. The SMAP DA-related forecast improvement (or degradation) is evaluated in terms of: surface flux partitioning, sensible weather, and 0-2 km wind and thermodynamic profiles. The results are reported in the form of regional composite analyses, augmented by detailed land-atmosphere coupling diagnostics computed for specific GPLLJ cases and locations. Separately, sensitivity of the results to land surface and planetary boundary layer scheme selections will be assessed. In all cases, NOAA's Rapid Refresh (RAP) operational analysis serves as the comparative truth. To conclude, plans to extend the research to wind energy ramp event forecasts are outlined.