For this study, we focus on four VIIRS radiometric bands, M13 (4.05 um), M15 (12.01 um), M16 (10.45 um) and I05 (11.45 um), that fall within the spectral range of CrIS. CrIS and VIIRS observations are co-located and the VIIRS radiances that fall within a given CrIS footprint are spatially averaged. The CrIS measurements are spectrally integrated over the VIIRS channel SRFs to create a one-to-one matchup for each of the four VIIRS bands within each CrIS footprint.
These data provide a strong quality assurance metric for long-term CrIS/VIIRS analysis, producing over 11 million co-located radiance observations on a daily basis. We can characterize the results versus time, field-of-regard, field-of-view, scene brightness temperature and orbit phase. Analysis spanning more than seven years of observations show agreement between the instruments to within 100 mK, with a mean trend of less than a few mK per year.