J63.2 Managing Diverse Data Submissions within a Multirepository Ecosystem

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 10:45 AM
157C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Matthew S. Mayernik, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and D. Schuster

In the past year, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) adopted a new procedure for data management planning. This new procedure is based on a three-tier data archiving framework that encompasses multiple, distinct NCAR data repositories. The goals of the procedure and framework are: 1) establish more consistency in data management processes and outcomes, 2) quantify the costs that might be associated with using different NCAR data repositories and services, 3) secure long-term data repository sustainability, and 4) ensure that NCAR researchers meet community open access data expectations. To support this procedure, a new Dataset Submission Request System has been created to enable NCAR/UCAR staff to submit data archiving requests. Requests can be submitted to archive existing data, or to get approval from an NCAR repository to archive data that might be produced in the future as part of a grant-funded project.

This presentation will discuss lessons learned in managing diverse data submissions within the multi-repositories NCAR data archiving ecosystem. It will outline the high-level NCAR policy procedure, the technical systems involved, the budgetary tools used, and the operation of an “Appraisal Committee” to evaluate and steward data archiving requests appropriately.

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