PD2.1 Power Forecasts: Using Daily Wind and Solar Energy Predictions

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 3:00 PM
204AB (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Sean Sublette, Climate Central, Princeton, NJ; and B. W. Placky

The last four years have been the warmest in the global record with 2019 expected to be in the top five. Parts of the Mississippi River were above flood stage for more than six months in 2019. Incidents of fair weather coastal flooding continue to rise. Increasingly, the public seeks answers regarding the role of climate change in the weather they observe, and importantly, what can they do about it. Among the strategies to mitigate climate change is the implementation of renewable energy. Support of renewables is broad and TV meteorologists are in a unique position to deliver this information to a wide audience. 2018 polling indicates 85 percent of Americans support funding research into renewable energy, and 63 percent support a requirement that utilities produce at least 20 percent of their electricity from renewable sources.

Our 60-minute panel discussion consists of three parts that will focus on wind and solar electricity generation and implementation. First, a renewable energy expert will discuss the current state of renewables and their trends in the United States. Second, Climate Central will highlight the newest version of its WeatherPower tool, providing broadcasters with an easy-to-use option for bringing market-specific wind and solar forecasting data succinctly into their weathercasts. Finally, a broadcast meteorologist will demonstrate how to use the tools in a concise way, normalizing the discussion of the daily weather’s impact on electricity generation.

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