Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 2:15 PM
208 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Dust particles are among the most common atmospheric aerosols; they can stay suspended in the atmosphere for a long period of time, ranging from several hours up to days. During a dust storm, the dust particle concentrations often exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) health-recommended daily threshold values for PM10 and PM2.5 (particles with aerodynamic diameter <10μm and <2.5μm respectively). Exposure to dust particles can lead to respiratory problems, particularly for people with asthma. Lubbock Texas is one of the most persistently windy inland areas of North America and is considered to be among the dustiest; dust storms in this region can form due to frontal passage or thunderstorm outflows. In this project, we are comparing multiple dust storm events that occurred in Lubbock TX. Measurements of particles concentration (PM10 & PM2.5), size distribution, meteorological conditions as well as elemental composition of samples were all captured by our Aerosol Research Observation Station (AEROS) which is located in Texas Tech University in Lubbock Texas. In our presentation, we will present the spatial and temporal behavior of each of these dust storm events as well as on the similarity and differences between them.