PD1.1 The Framework and Management of a Multistate Weather Modification Agreement (Invited Presentation)

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 10:30 AM
105 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Mohammed Mahmoud, Central Arizona Project, Phoenix, AZ

Weather modification programs have been active in the Colorado River Basin for many years; primarily in the Upper Colorado River Basin states of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. One of the main goals of these programs is to augment winter snowpack in the basin, which could lead to enhanced snowmelt and streamflow during the spring runoff season. This increase in runoff in the Colorado River Basin provides a mitigation buffer against the impacts of drought and supply shortage for water users in the basin.

Each Upper Basin weather modification program is traditionally operated independently (as each state is governed by different rules regarding the permitting, operating, and funding of weather modification programs) with some financial support from water agencies in the Lower Basin. However, these programs have an annual cycle that is subject to available local funding that may jeopardize a program’s ability to fully implement recommended weather modification activities.

In an effort to provide comprehensive continuity and support for these programs, entities from the seven Colorado River Basin states came together to establish a long-term programmatic agreement for weather modification in the Colorado River Basin. This agreement serves as a commitment from the Lower Basin to provide a consistent funding mechanism for Upper Basin weather modification activities for a period of eight years. In addition, the participation of entities from across the Colorado River Basin in this agreement enhances inter-basin collaboration in optimizing weather modification activities for the mutual benefit of all water users in the basin.

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