Recent advances in remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) and miniaturized gas sensing technologies have made it possible to collect spatially and temporally resolved CO2 profiles within the lowest kilometer of the atmosphere. We propose that measurements made using this approach will greatly improve our ability to sample CO2 within the ABL and expand our understanding of how it is distributed.
This presentation begins with a brief outline of how we sample CO2 using RPAS and then show results from our field experiments. The presented results come from observations made at the University of Oklahoma’s Kessler Atmospheric and Ecological Research Station (KAEFS) located near Washington, Oklahoma during Spring - Fall 2019, where airborne observations can be complemented by and validated against surfaced based measurements. This study will primarily examine changes in the vertical structure of CO2 with respect to diurnal and seasonal cycles. Profiles will also be assessed to examine the impact of temperature, humidity, precipitation, winds, and solar radiation on daily variability on a seasonal scale.