769 Ensemble Data Assimilation for the RAM-SCB Model

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Humberto C. Godinez, LANL, Los Alamos, NM; and S. Morley, M. G. Henderson, and V. K. Jordanova

Over the course of the last two decades, there has been significant progress to develop data assimilation techniques to improve the predictive capabilities of space weather models. As a consequence, data assimilation methods have been widely adopted into several fields of space weather, including specification and forecasting of the ionosphere-thermosphere, ring currents, radiation belts, and solar photosphere to name a few. We present the implementation of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) to the Ring Current-Atmosphere Interactions Model with Self-Consistent Magnetic field (RAM-SCB) using particle flux data from the Van Allen Probes. The ring current environment is estimated using EnKF to capture the enhancement storm event that took place on 7--10 September of 2017, where a large double-dip geomagnetic storm was observed. The assimilated results show a significant improvement in the estimation of the ring current particle distributions in the RAM-SCB model, leading to better agreement with observations. A number of features are captured and will be discussed in the presentation.
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