Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 11:15 AM
206B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Handout (7.9 MB)
The Amazon experiences intensive fires every August to October. On the one hand, the fires burn the forest and grass. On the other hand, these fires also trigger changes in atmospheric composition, which bring broad feedback on unburned forest. The net impact of Amazon fires on the Amazon biome is yet unknown. Some changes, such as increasing atmospheric CO2 and aerosols, serve as forest fertilizer, while others, such as increasing polluted O3 level, reduce plant photosynthesis. Current studies typically use offline models to trace individual drivers. In this study, we will use the NASA GEOS Earth System Model, which couples RRTMG radiation scheme, 2-moment cloud microphysics module, GOCART aerosol module, and land ecosystem module Catchman-CN, to investigate the impact of fires on Amazon biome via CO2 and aerosol enhancements together. We will conduct the study over seasonal to decadal time scales.