Handout (1.0 MB)
Public interest is very high across the geosciences and in environmental issues, and these topics are enmeshed in the NGSS area of earth and space sciences. Yet, in Oregon, which was a leader in the development and implementation of NGSS, it is typical for programs to continue to emphasize biology, chemistry, and physics only, with a few bones thrown in for the earth sciences. There is also no teacher certification for earth science or environmental science in the state. Another emerging trend in Oregon recognizes increased value in the Career Technical Education (CTE) fields, which are often not associated with STEM, but foundationally, ought to be.
Issues associated with environmental degradation and environmental justice as well as climate change and renewable energy development all have practical application in areas as wide as technology development and electronics to land resource stewardship. And governmental policy is (hopefully) engaged in adapting to new technological development and scientific findings. The energy expressed in new movements embodied by organizations such as Our Children’s Trust and the Sunrise Movement may provide hope for environmental and earth science educators who may at times feel anxiety or resistance from policy authorities. Imagine what could be done with that enthusiasm and energy if we could help to lay the groundwork for science-based understanding in our curricula in liberal education as well as in teacher preparation programs? And also to move many of these same students into our major programs without the obstacles that society often presents to women and people of color, who continue to be poorly represented in our fields.
I advocate here for inclusive and more deliberate linkages between CTE and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), something which is already being advanced in Oregon’s STEM hubs, for example, but may not yet be fully developed within the higher education systems in my state and elsewhere. Too many influential stakeholders view STEM pathways narrowly, only within a calculus-based educational framework, neglecting some desirable pathways in allied health professions, advanced technology, or field-based programs in natural resources and agriculture. This is important for all of STEM and CTE, but often not thought to be related to the geosciences, and is an absolute must for us to move forward with an equity agenda. I will survey some of these issues and potential solutions, and seek input for systemic action that could move the discussion forward.
Keywords: geoscience, STEM, CTE, climate change, education, environment, equity, inclusion