411 Heat Waves and Pregnancy Outcomes in the Metro-Atlanta Area during 2007-2017

Monday, 13 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
G. Huang, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA; and F. Neal

Over the past few years, the frequency of the heat waves in the metropolitan area of

Atlanta, Georgia has been steadily increasing. Previous studies have indicated Atlanta has been

experiencing more heat waves due to the climate change and city heat island. The increasing

extreme heat waves are significant treats to people living in Atlanta GA, especially for sensitive

ones including pregnant women. As the 10th largest Metropolitan area in USA, Atlanta has

rapidly increased new born babies yearly. In 2016, Northside Hospital in Atlanta was name as a

leading hospital for the highest number of annual births in the United States with 27,123 births

that year. However, with this high number of annual births and the increase in heat waves more

babies may be susceptible to birth complications and more developmental disease.

The purpose of this research project is to investigate the relationship between the increase

in heat waves in the metro Atlanta area and pregnancy outcomes. Specifically, the pregnancy

outcomes that will be investigated are birth weight and preterm birth rates.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner