2.3 A Nearly Half-Centery History of High Spectral Resolution Lidar Development at the University of Wisconsin

Monday, 13 January 2020: 3:00 PM
210C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Edwin W. Eloranta, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Giorgio Fiocco demonstrated the possibility of separating laser scattering into molecular and particulate components in a 1968 Journal of Atmospheric Sciences paper. Based on this concept and a NASA funding opportunity, Jim Weinman organized a joint proposal from the University of Wisconsin Meteorology, Electrical Engineering and Physics Departments to demonstrate a High Spectral Resolution Lidar(HSRL). Although this proposal to build a potential space shuttle instrument, was not funded, it served as the beginning of a nearly 50-year effort of HSRL development at the University. This presentation will outline that development, starting from an audacious proposal to build a space borne instrument using primitive, home built, lasers, to the robust, autonomous, internet based systems now routinely deployed at remote sites, as well as, on aircraft and ships.
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