We here present results from a validation of the 17-year ROM SAF RO Climate Data Record (CDR), based on processing of Metop, CHAMP, GRACE, and COSMIC data using excess-phase and amplitude data from EUMETSAT (the Metop mission) and UCAR (the CHAMP, GRACE, COSMIC, and Metop missions), and show examples of usage of the RO data, e.g., monitoring of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) and Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) phenomena. We further discuss how RO measurements provide a direct means of measuring the geopotential heights of upper-troposphere and lower-stratosphere pressure surfaces and, hence, mean tropospheric temperatures.
The Radio Occultation Meteorology Satellite Application Facility (ROM SAF) is a decentralized operational processing facility under EUMETSAT. The main objective of the ROM SAF is to generate and deliver operational radio occultation products from GNSS RO instruments onboard Metop, Metop-SG, Jason-CS/Sentinel-6 and from other satellites for NWP and climate applications. The 17-year ROM SAF CDR is publically available from: http://www.romsaf.org. Further information about the ROM SAF products and services are available at the website.