J60.3 Practical AI in the Classroom

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 9:15 AM
156A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Jianghao Wang, MathWorks, Natick, MA

Through hundreds of public seminars and hands-on tutorials, MathWorks has been sharing knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI), in particular machine learning and deep learning with the academic community globally. Educators report that after attending these seminars, they are equipped to incorporate AI into curriculum, and help students learn and apply AI skills in discipline-specific projects.

In this talk, as a scientist trained in both climate science and data science, I will share my thoughts on the education model of “teaching AI + X” that helps achieve the goal. In this model, AI represents the technical knowledge and computing skill of artificial intelligence, X is the discipline, such as climate science and atmospheric science. I will show examples of geoscientists applying AI techniques to solve their real-world challenges. With experiences in online learning and supporting curriculum projects globally, I will also share MathWorks’ insights on what works to teach. I will show successful curriculum examples where educators teach AI in the right context, cover the relevant theoretical foundations, and motivate the learning experience with insights and interpretations from real-world applications.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner