10.3 IDSS And Outreach "Blitz" Initiative across the NWS San Diego Service Area

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 11:00 AM
153C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
James M. Brotherton, NOAA/NWS, San Diego, CA

The National Weather Service is striving to improve and extend its Impact-Based Decision Support Services (IDSS) to further its goal of a "Weather-Ready Nation". Within this framework, NWS San Diego has a new initiative to expand our IDSS reach, utilizing the whole office concept.

Over the last year, extensive efforts have been made to improve and streamline IDSS efforts and outreach to partners within the NWS San Diego area of responsibility. The plan was developed by the IDSS Team and includes a whole office concept approach. The primary goal is to understand partner needs based on critical meteorological thresholds and to use these thresholds during communication with all partners, especially Core and Deep Core partners, during hazardous weather events.

Team members developed a plan to reach at least 10 partners every quarter. Some of these relationships have been in the form of redevelopment of existing partnerships, and some new partnerships have also been set into motion. Some of the initiatives include developing new relationships with other agencies such as local parks, marine contractors for the Southern California Coastal Waters, and extensive outreach efforts to the local aviation weather community.

The new program development will be discussed, examining some of the particular successes, and some of the challenges, especially as related to adopting the whole office concept approach.
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