3B.2 Tracking Ammonia Emission and Chemistry in Fresh Traffic Derived Plumes Utilizing Nitrogen Stable Isotopes

Monday, 13 January 2020: 2:15 PM
206B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Wendell William Walters, Brown Univ., Providence, RI; and L. Song, J. Chai, Y. Fang, and M. Hastings

Atmospheric ammonia (NH3) is an important trace gas that serves as the primary inorganic base in the atmosphere. NH3 plays a key role in the neutralization of acidic gases, leading to the formation of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) that represent a significant component of PM2.5. Therefore, it is critical to understand NHx (NH3 + NH4+) dynamics including NH3 emission sources and gas-to-particle phase conversions, particularly in urban areas in which its human health impacts are magnified. However, quantifying the influence of NH3 emission sources and sink processes is often a challenging task due to the coexistence of many locally produced sources including emissions from local traffic, fuel combustion, industrial processes, humans, and long-range transport. Here, we present novel results involving the quantification of NHx dynamics via concentration and N isotopic composition (δ15N) of speciated NHx measurements from several different traffic-derived plumes utilizing a denuder-filter pack sampling system that has been laboratory verified for its δ15N accuracy and precision. Summer and winter stationary measurements were conducted at a near-highway (Providence, RI, USA along I-95) air monitoring station to evaluate the seasonal impact on NHx dynamics in fresh plumes. Mobile highway measurements were conducted in the northeast corridor from Boston, Massachusetts to Washington, D.C., USA during the winter to investigate the spatial patterns involving NHx dynamics. Additionally, stationary measurements were conducted in a tunnel located in Shenyang, a megacity in northeast China. Our results indicate that traffic derived NH3 emissions play a key role in inorganic PM2.5 formation, particularly ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) during the winter, which has important implications for urban wintertime air quality. At all three monitoring locations, vehicle derived NH3 tends to have a consistent δ15N that is distinct relative to other major NH3 emission sources. Thus, δ15N(NHx) has the potential to be used to quantitatively track NH3 emission sources, which has important implications for our understanding of NHx dynamics in complex urban environments and may help guide future NH3 emission regulations.
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