Monday, 13 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Research has shown that online coupled meteorological and air quality models represent the interactions between chemical and physical processes in a more realistic manner than offline methods. At the U.S. EPA, we have developed the WRF-CMAQ two-way coupled modeling system with direct aerosol feedback effects. This model has been used to show significant direct aerosol impact on radiation, ground temperature, PBL height and air pollutant concentrations in regions with high aerosol loading. Now as our vision expands to the global scale, we are developing a coupled global meteorology and air quality model using MPAS and CMAQ. Ultimately this coupled system allows CMAQ to run with 1. Global meteorological model (such as MPAS), 2. Regional meteorological model (such as WRF), and 3. Stand-alone offline mode.
In this presentation we will present various aspects of the MPAS-CMAQ system such as general data structure, coupler, and input and output processing. We will also present preliminary results.