988 Hazard Services: An Information-Centric Modernization to the National Weather Service Watch/Warning/Advisory Program and Beyond

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
D. M. Kingfield, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado Boulder and NOAA/OAR/ESRL/GSD, Boulder, CO; and C. V. Dreisbach, K. Goertz, C. Golden, S. Gui, Y. Guo, T. L. Hansen, N. Hardin, T. J. LeFebvre, J. L. Mahoney, K. L. Manross, S. Murphy, D. Nietfeld, J. E. Ramer, R. Weingruber, S. Williams, and S. Zhuo

Over the past 20 years, there has been an evolution in the types of hazardous weather products issued by the National Weather Service (NWS). Currently, watch/warning/advisory products are issued through three different software applications within the second-generation Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS-2), (1) WarnGen for short-fuse hazards (e.g., flash flood warnings), (2) Graphical Hazard Generator/Graphical Forecast Editor for long-duration hazards (e.g., flood warnings), and (3) RiverPro for river hazards (e.g., river flood warnings). This requires a forecaster to learn how to manage and configure at least three different software frameworks in support of the NWS mission to protect lives and property.

The Hazard Services program improves upon the current NWS hazardous weather product generation workflow by integrating these currently disconnected software tools into a common interface for issuing timely and information-centric watch, warning, and advisory products for all hazards. Built upon a Java and highly-configurable python code base, Hazard Services also contains a recommender framework that serves as a bridge for the rapid transition of promising physical and social science concepts into NWS operations. This framework can ingest and process data from a multitude of sources (i.e., sensors/instruments, models, etc.) to help mitigate the firehose of information a forecaster receives through the ever-increasing volume of observational and model data received. Hazard Services also provides the flexibility to produce multiple text product formats on-the-fly for simultaneous distribution through multiple channels targeting unique audiences.

The Hazard Services program is a joint effort among NOAA/OAR/ESRL/Global Systems Division (GSD), Raytheon Omaha, and the AWIPS-2 Program Office. The Hazard Services development team at GSD has a broad responsibility to assist in the transfer of existing product generation workflows into this interface along with establishing and executing a scientific vision for the future of decision support services and alert dissemination protocols. This presentation will provide the audience with an overview of the Hazard Services program and summarize its current progress towards NWS operations with an emphasis on the post-initial operating capability development ongoing at GSD.

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