Typically, extreme events are evaluated based on one indicator variable in a univariate framework (e.g. drought based on deficit in precipitation, extreme temperature based on high quantiles of temperature data). A number of recent studies have emphasized that a multivariate framework is necessary for assessing risk of extreme events, especially in a warming climate. Regardless of traditional methods or multivariate copulas, the projections of univariate extremes future conditions rely on the quality of future climate trends simulated from climate models. While models have improved, challenges remain in correctly simulating the statistical properties of meteorological variables, and therefore their extremes, especially at regional to local scales. In our own analyses and relevant to this study's focus, we find a large scatter in the climate models’ climatology and future projections of heavy precipitation events – based on their simulated precipitation rates for a location or region of interest. However – an analogue method that we have recently developed which determines the “telltale signs” at the large meteorological atmosphere-scale for the occurrence of an extreme event at the local scale, has shown to improve upon the model performance and consensus of any changes in extreme event occurrences associated with climate warming. This method has also shown weak dependence on model resolution but present similar or better skill levels than current implementations of Regional Climate Models (RCMs). Also, the method is non-parametric in that it does not make any assumption about the distribution of the atmospheric patterns or the extreme event statistics.
Therefore, in conjunction with the CSM simulation framework, we present our results of both the evaluation and projection of change in summertime, flood-producing storm events for the MIT/Cambridge area of study. From a meteorological perspective, we consider a number of historical events that have occurred across the greater Boston metropolitan area - and these have been associated with the synoptic-scale conditions and phenomenon. Through the use of the MERRA2 reanalyses data as well as other corroborating reanalyses sources (e.g. ERA, NARR, JRA, etc.) we have determined a set of cogent and large-scale atmospheric features that are associated with these localized events. These patterns show consistent features in the synoptic environment associated with precursory and prevalent moisture fetch as well as vertical motion and convective instability. From these, we have employed machine-learning methods to train a predictive tool and demonstrate that when driven by information from the CMIP model collective, we can improve the skill and inter-model consensus of reproducing the occurrence of these events for the contemporary/historical climate. When apply this predictive approach to future projections of climate - that span the range of potential human-forced climate change under the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) simulation framework - in order to quantify the changing risk of these storms to our CSM study area and design-storm assessment of flooding across the MIT campus and Cambridge.