12.2 25 Years of Operation of a Statewide Meteorological Observation Network

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 8:45 AM
259A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Bradley G. Illston, Oklahoma Mesonet/Oklahoma Climatological Survey/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK

The Oklahoma Mesonet, commissioned in 1994, is an automated network of 120 remote, meteorological stations across Oklahoma. Each station measures core parameters that include: air temperature and relative humidity; wind speed, gust, and direction; atmospheric pressure; global downwelling solar radiation; and rainfall. Additionally, many stations also measured soil temperature and soil moisture at various depths. Mesonet data are collected and transmitted to a central facility every 5 minutes where they are quality controlled, distributed, and archived. This presentation outlines the evolution of the Oklahoma Mesonet, the lessons learned, the ongoing challenges, and the goals for the future. Additionally, discussions of the benefits to various sectors of end users, including agriculture, fire management, emergency management, research, field campaigns, and others, will be presented. As other statewide networks begin to form and mature, sharing and collaboration of successful and detrimental practices will aid in the survivability of all of the networks.
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