The initial focus is on the forecasting of wind gusts at 37 Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) and New York State (NYS) Mesonet sites within and near the Con Ed service area. These sites provide high quality wind data at a high spatial resolution (average distance between stations ~ 20 - 30 km) for the training of machine learning (ML) models and the evaluation of the forecasts. The prediction system is based on the use of output data from a small set of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) systems (i.e. Global Forecast System (GFS), Rapid Refresh (RAP) model, the High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR), and in-house 1 km Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model run) as input to several configurations of machine learning algorithms and ultimately the construction of the final forecast from a composite of the these NWP-ML ensemble members. The forecast target variable is the peak wind gust at the ASOS and NYS Mesonet sites over several time scales (e.g. 15 minutes, hourly, daily). A key issue is the identification of the best ML approach for this application from the almost-infinite set of possible options.
This presentation focuses on an analysis of the variations in the performance of both deterministic and probabilistic wind gust forecasts associated with changes in the type (e.g. neural networks, decision tree algorithms) and configuration (e.g. hyper parameter optimization and feature selection, global vs. local target variable training) of the ML algorithms. The training and evaluation periods for these experiments are from the start of 2017 through mid-2019. The experimental analysis also considers the role of feature importance (e.g. which NWP variables have the most input on forecast performance) and a comparison of the performance of the ML-based predictions with forecasts produced by physics-stochastic hybrid algorithms (such as the one used to supply the maximum surface gust forecasts in the operational HRRR graphics) that estimate wind gust values directly from NWP variables.