Matthew Seybold1, Randall Race2, Elizabeth M. Kline3, Tom Feroli4, Maurice McHugh5
2ASRC Federal, Greenbelt, MD, USA
4KBR, Greenbelt, MD, USA
5Noblis Inc., Greenbelt, MD, USA
The GOES constellation has accomplished dynamic continuity of spacecraft and instrument operations. The GOES-R science product portfolio currently in operation as both GOES-East and GOES-West has delivered advanced capabilities which have opened mission-changing applications for the user community. The ABI spectral detail offered by 16 channels combined with RGB channel blending offers forecasters and other satellite imagery customers distinguish environmental hazards in a manner previously unseen. In addition to the ABI spectral advancement, spatial and temporal advancements also offer tremendous opportunity for L2 product exploitation.
This talk will provide a comprehensive status report on the terrestrial (ABI, GLM), solar (SUVI, EXIS), and space wx (SEISS, Magnetometer) science baseline GOES-16 and GOES-17 products currently in operation, mention ABI L2 enterprise algorithm updates which are currently underway, and focus primarily on future NESDIS GOES PSDI (Product & Service Development Initiatives) project plans and schedules.
The GOES-R Program has collaborated with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Line Offices to prioritize GOES-R new applications and decision aids, algorithm enhancements, blended products, and legacy GOES capabilities that are not addressed in the GOES-R baseline. The addition of Himawari-8 L1b and L2 products that meet the needs of the National Weather Service (NWS) are also addressed in this process. This talk will focus on the FY2020 product prioritization approach and its outcomes, in addition to outlining the approach for FY2021 and beyond.
Many of the existing PSDI project plans will expand the baseline portfolio: Aerosol Particle Size, Cloud Cover Layer, Ice Concentration & Extent, Ice Age & Thickness, Ice Motion, All Sky & Clear Sky Radiances, Low Cloud / Fog. Other PSDI project plans are in place to mitigate the impact of degraded & saturated cloud & moisture imagery (CMI) due to the GOES-17 ABI loop heat pipe anomaly. Any new changes regarding the status of science products from GOES-14/15 as well as GOES-T/U will also be shared.