In order to study these changes, a framework comprising of a modeling system and observations in the Lake George watershed is used. The present work focuses on the following components: (a) a recent release of the WRF-Hydro community hydrological model (b) a comprehensive observational data set consisting of streamflow, soil moisture and weather parameters; (c) comparison of snow predictions from a daily, operational 333m-resolution, 36-hour weather forecasts using the community WRF v3.9.1 model with National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC) gridded products; (d) manual calibration of soil and hydrological parameters and their impact on seasonal streamflow and soil moisture; and (e) impact of manual calibration on storm events during this period. The WRF-Hydro simulations are performed in standalone mode using gridded routing at 41m resolution with forcing provided by the aforementioned WRF runs and NLDAS-2. The authors will present preliminary results, including more recent efforts to estimate road salt loading via runoff into Lake George.