Monday, 13 January 2020: 3:00 PM
203 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Near the end of the RELAMPAGO field campaign, a very strong MCS formed in the study region of Córdoba province, Argentina. This MCS was extensively sampled by radiosondes, radar and mobile surface stations. Convection developed along a northward-moving outflow boundary originating from supercell storms to the south. This new convection developed shortly after sunset in an environment of high convective available potential energy (CAPE), with a value of ~3400 J/kg measured just to the southeast of Cordoba city at 0100 UTC. High levels of 0-6km shear (26 m/s) were also observed, along with limited values of 0-1km shear (5.5 m/s). Sounding time series indicate a rapid moistening of the lower levels just before convective initiation. After initiation, the convection rapidly grew upscale into an MCS and moved north along the terrain while expanding to the east. Torrential rainfall was observed with the storm, causing severe street flooding in the Cordoba area. This presentation will investigate the mesoscale aspects of this storm through the RELAMPAGO observations to answer questions about the structure of this MCS, as well as the paths of upscale growth it exhibited.