3.2 Bringing Together Sector Perspectives on Implementing IDSS

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 12:00 AM
153C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Katherine Edwards, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; NWS, Silver Spring, MD

The United States is increasingly vulnerable to weather related natural hazard emergencies. Understanding and aligning services provided by the National Weather Service (NWS) and emergency management communities, in partnership with the whole weather enterprise, serves a central role in meeting the growing education, preparation, response and resilience needs of vulnerable communities.

This panel will focus on the efforts of the NWS, the Emergency Management Community and the Private Sector's common goal of achieving ready, responsive and resilient communities, resulting in a Weather-Ready Nation. As NWS works to evolve its Impact-Based Decision Support Services (IDSS) focused on the needs of our core partners, we also recognize that we cannot do it alone. The only way we as an enterprise can achieve our common goal is by working together.

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