7.1 Marrying a Meteorologist—Work–Life Balance in a 24/7 Weather Industry

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 10:30 AM
204AB (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Steven E. Glazier, WeatherNation, Englewood, CO; and K. A. Jeromin

The broadcast meteorologist’s workload continues to grow outside of a typical 8-hour shift. From expanding newscasts, to being on call for “breaking” weather, to social media responsibilities, and community engagements... can this 24/7/365 career allow a healthy work/life balance? Through questionnaires and interview processes, meteorologists weigh in on their ability to juggle personal life and work life with the ever-increasing demands in the broadcast weather industry. They provide insight to various challenges they have faced in balancing family life with their career. The research looks at challenges for both men and women, personal and professional sacrifices they have faced, and personal advice for fellow scientists on maintaining a positive life balance.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner