2.2 Recon with the Wind: Applying Hazard Reconstruction and Postevent Reconnaissance to Substantiate and Improve Tropical Cyclone Catastrophe Models

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 11:00 AM
254A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Philip Allen Feiner, Risk Management Solutions, Hoboken, NJ

This talk will discuss the role that Risk Management Solutions (RMS) plays as a leader in the global catastrophe modeling space and in particular, will focus on RMS' modeling of hazard and financial losses for a hurricane affecting the United States and how lessons learned following the storm can be applied to future modeling and resilience. A case study will be presented outlining RMS' response to a landfalling hurricane event, beginning with the real-time event response communications provided to the market prior to and at the time of landfall. Post-landfall, wind and storm surge hazard reconstructions are combined with on the ground field reconnaissance and damage observations to provide the RMS Model Development team with additional data that can be incorporated into future model enhancements. These learnings ultimately help RMS' industry partners to better understand and prepare for the risks presented by future hurricane landfalls.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner