SOW: Large stationary S-band research radars such as CP-2, S-POL, and CHILL, have been central observing systems in dozens of field projects, contributing critically to major advances in the understanding of a wide range of atmospheric phenomena. Advances in technology, and evolution of the questions being asked by atmospheric scientists, motivate a re-analysis of how best to continue and to move beyond the capabilities of large stationary expensive-to-deploy S-band research radars. An alternative concept, blending the advantages of the DOW/COW paradigm with the benefits of S-band radars, will be presented. Similar to the COW, three to four truck-borne S-band On Wheels (yep, SOW, it’s a farm-animal theme) with modular 18-foot dishes can be deployed in a few hours. Each SOW will have a 1.5-degree beam, but, since there are multiple SOWs in a SOWNET, the typical range to targets will be much less, resulting in comparable spatial resolution to S-POL and CHILL and many similar existing S-band radars. 18-foot dishes have ½ the sail-area, less than ½ of the weight, simplifying/shrinking pedestals, motors, generator needs, etc. SOW arrays can be 2D polygons or linear, and can change during a project, which allows for greater observing flexibility. A major benefit of SOW-Net is multiple-Doppler and multiple independent observations of dual-polarization quantities.
BARN: Everyone who uses Doppler radar data wishes that they had true 3D vector wind data. Multiple-Doppler data are the foundation to many research objectives, but the underlying multiple monostatic radar deployments are expensive, and the process of preparing data for research-quality vector windfield retrievals is both time consuming and smooths out small-scale temporal and spatial features through objective analysis. Bistatic radar networks, tested in the 1990’s, provide a low-cost, and less-smoothed both temporally and spatially, alternative. Advances in low-cost computational capability, and high-speed cellular communications make bistatic networks much easier to establish. CSWR proposes to construct a network of bistatic receivers, carried by small pick up trucks, surrounding each DOW/COW/SOW, to provide 3D unsmoothed vector wind fields whenever DOWs/COW/SOWs are deployed. Bistatic Adaptable Radar Network (BARN).