14.2 EPAMS Profiler and Ceilometer Network

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 1:45 PM
203 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Ruben Delgado, UMBC/JCET/NOAA CESSRST, Baltimore, MD; and V. Caicedo, J. Szykman, K. Cavender, J. Westfall, D. Taylor, B. Ireland, J. Sleeman, B. Demoz, R. K. Sakai, M. Woodman, D. Krask, F. Moshary, E. J. Welton, and B. L. Lefer

The Enhanced Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Sites (EPAMS) Profiler and Ceilometer Network is a joint research venture between the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). EPA redesigned Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Sites (PAMS) network includes boundary layer profiling and hourly mixing layer height (MLH) requirements. The primary purpose of the hourly MLH is to aid state’s State Implementation Plan (SIP) modeling data needs and support air pollution studies/monitoring during exceptional events. The MLH is an important parameter that affects near-surface concentrations serving as a diagnostic to improve air quality forecasting and dispersion models. In addition, is important in determining the relationship of atmospheric column measurements (surface and satellite) of gases and aerosol, and their surface concentrations.

The EPAMS Profiler and Ceilometer Network consists of a heterogeneous profiling network (ceilometers, lidar: aerosol and Doppler wind, microwave radiometer, and radar wind profiler) along Baltimore-Washington metropolitan-area. In order to adequately report MLH for research and policy purposes, enhanced retrieval algorithms, and standardized software and calibration procedures have been developed, as part of the Ad-Hoc Ceilometer Evaluation Study (ACES), and optimized for near real-time implementation and reporting (http://alg.umbc.edu/). ACES is spawned from the National Academy of Science “Observing Weather from the Ground up: Network of Networks” and “The Future of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observing, Understanding, and Modeling: Proceedings of a Workshop” reports that identified lower tropospheric profiling of trace gases, aerosol and thermodynamic quantities as a cross-cutting need for air quality, weather, climate, energy and other national priority economic areas. In addition, this network is joining efforts with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Micropulse LIdar Network (MPLNET) to yield the first data portal of aerosol lidar/ceilometer data products from the United States to support World Meteorological Organization Global Atmospheric Lidar Observation Network endeavours.

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