Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
NOAA and CIRES scientists in the Halocarbons and other Atmospheric Trace Species Group (HATS) started measuring vertical profiles and cruise-altitude levels of atmospheric trace species in 1991, first on high-altitude aircraft (NASA ER-2 aircraft, 1991-2000; NASA WB-57F, 1999-2016) and balloons (1996-2003), then civilian aviation altitude aircraft (NASA DC-8, 2001-2018; UND Citation, 2003; NCAR GV (2008-2011), and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS, NASA Altair, 2005-2006, and Global Hawk, 2010-2014). The scope of our observations included many different regional missions and global campaigns. Earlier studies (1990s through early 2000s) had a stratospheric ozone depletion and long-lived greenhouse gases (GHGs) focus, whereas later work focused included more tropospheric measurements of GHGs and short-lived gases (O3, H2O, PAN, & short-lived halocarbons). Scientific results include the rate of destruction of ozone in the polar stratosphere during airborne missions (AASEII, ASHOE-MAESA, POLARIS, & SOLVE), atmospheric lifetimes of many trace gases including a revised shorter lifetime for SF6, due to a mesospheric sink observed in 2000, stratospheric and tropospheric mean age of the air mass, large-scale transport, and satellite validation. This presentation will focus on the long-term trends of select trace gases over time, and results from the recent airborne missions NSF HIPPO and NASA ATom, where NOAA flasks (PFPs) were included for the first time. We returning to stratosphere with the NASA ER-2 on the Dynamics & Chemistry Of The Summertime Stratosphere mission (DCOTSS) over Salida, Kansas in 2020-2021 to examine ozone chemistry and loss during convection of polluted, humid, air above the tropopause during the North American Monsoon season. We will also participate in balloon test flight series up to 32 km from Ft. Sumner, New Mexico for the MATTADOR mission to compare AirCores (both carbon and halocarbon gases) to previous proven balloon instruments (NOAA’s LACE included).