The GOES-R Education Proving Ground ( out of NOAA’s Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has served as a conduit between the GOES-R Program and educators nation-wide. Central to this effort is STEM educators working with CIMSS in close coordination with NOAA scientists at the Advanced Satellite Products Branch (ASPB) in Madison. For example, new HTML5 webapps were developed with input from educators. In addition, dozens of presentations and webinars have been conducted for and by G6-14 educators, as well as two full-scale teacher workshops, one at the historic launch of the GOES-R satellite in Cape Canaveral Florida in November 2016 and another at Lockheed Martin in August 2017 featuring an up close view of the GOES-S satellite.
As data from our newest weather satellites became available, the focus shifted from teachers to students and devising ways to enable student investigations of ABI and GLM data. Thus, in 2018 CIMSS started working with 6 GOES-R Educators from 4 different states to conduct a nation-wide 2019 Virtual Science Fair during the spring of 2019. There were three levels of competition: grades 6-8, grades 9-11 and grades 12-14 with nominal 1st place monetary prizes. Winning teams and their coaches have also secured official GOES-T launch invites!
With support from the GOES-R program, CIMSS will repeat the VSF in spring 2020 and add to a growing library of student research projects applying GOES-16/17 data.
This presentation will recount highlights from the GOES-R Education Proving Ground and invite AMS members to share their expertise with student teams seeking project advisors for their submissions to the spring 2020 GOES-16/17 Virtual Science Fair.