1.1 I’ve Looked at Clouds from Both Sides Now

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 8:45 AM
210C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
James J. Hack, ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN

There is likely little disagreement that the inner workings of Earth’s climate system are among the most profound of the many multi-physics multi-scale grand challenge scientific problems of importance to paths forward in a changing environment. Progress toward understanding the complexities of this system of systems has largely been driven by brute-force numerical explorations of highly non-linear phenomenological behavior, albeit incomplete because of uncertainties associated with the need for various approximations. This presentation will take a walk through alternative approaches to understanding complex atmospheric behavior by distilling fundamental theoretical foundations to mathematical frameworks that lend themselves to closed-form scientific exploration. We will discuss a decades-long, theoretical and phenomenological exploration of cloud processes by W. H. Schubert and collaborators, from boundary-layer clouds to deep convective cloud processes, as they operate across the wide range of time and space scales that contribute to the maintenance of the atmospheric general circulation.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner