1A.2 Development of Watershed-Based, Large-Domain Modeling to Support Monitoring, Prediction, and Water Management Applications

Monday, 13 January 2020: 8:45 AM
253C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Andrew W. Wood, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and R. Siddique, N. Mizukami, H. Liu, B. Nijssen, S. Gangrade, A. J. Newman, M. Barlage, K. FitzGerald, A. Dugger, D. J. Gochis, and M. Clark

Most hydrological models used in the US for large-domain, national-scale applications in monitoring, prediction and water management applications are implemented with a gridded resolution (e.g., NLDAS, the NSSL FLASH system, the National Water Model), on a range of model resolutions spanning 250-m to 1/8th degree. In this presentation, we describe a new effort to develop and demonstrate the value of watershed-based large-domain modeling for such applications, using several models implemented on intermediate-scale hydrologic units from the USGS HUC12 geospatial dataset. This model discretization choice is made to allow for computational agility to support ensemble approaches (analysis and prediction), catchment-based classification and calibration methods, and to increase the perceived relevance of model outputs to water sector applications. We present in-progress results from a real-time monitoring and prediction implementation of the SUMMA hydrological modeling framework coupled to the mizuRoute channel routing model for the fine-scale NHDPlusv2 stream network. If results allow, we will also show early outcomes from a HUC12-based application of the WRF-Hydro model in support of National Water Center applications.
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