1.2 Temperatures in Urban Settings versus Nearby MMTS

Monday, 13 January 2020: 9:00 AM
204AB (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Richard Berler, KGNS TV, Laredo, TX

A comparison of temperatures close to a congested intersection at late afternoon rush hour outside of KGNS TV vs NWS MMTS on the KGNS TV property about 100 feet away from the intersection. In addition, a comparison of early afternoon temperatures over a large dark asphalt parking lot vs the NWS MMTS about 800 feet away. I will also measure land surface temperatures at the NWS MMTS site and experimental sites. Curious as well to measure the surface temperature of a dark vertical wall at fairly low sun angle before sunset of the Target store which the parking lot serves vs air temperature at different distances away from the wall vs the NWS MMTS.
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