13B.6 Development of NASA VIIRS-Like Cloud Property Algorithms for Next-Generation Geostationary Imagers and Examples from CAMP2Ex

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 2:30 PM
253B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
R. E. Holz, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and K. Meyer, S. Platnick, N. Amarasinghe, G. Wind, S. Ackerman, S. Dutcher, R. Frey, R. Kuehn, R. Levy, and R. Boller

A new generation of geosynchronous multispectral imagers (ABI on the GOES-R series, AHI on Himawari-8/-9) dramatically improves upon the spatial, spectral and temporal resolution capabilities of heritage GEO imagers. This provides a unique opportunity to extend data records derived from low earth orbit polar orbiting imagers (MODIS on Terra and Aqua, VIIRS on Suomi NPP and the JPSS series) into the time domain. Previously, NASA developed a MODIS-VIIRS continuity algorithm for cloud optical property retrievals that leverages heritage algorithms–MODIS cloud mask (MOD35), MODIS optical and microphysical properties product (MOD06), and the NOAA AWG Cloud Height Algorithm. Because the ABI/AHI imagers mostly overlap with VIIRS with respect to the spectral channels used in the NASA VIIRS cloud product algorithm, porting the VIIRS algorithm to ABI/AHI is relatively straightforward. In addition, the GEO sensors have additional capabilities expected to be useful for cloud retrievals (e.g., atmospheric absorption channels, temporal information).

We will report on our continued efforts to port NASA VIIRS cloud and aerosol algorithms to the ABI/AHI GEO imagers. This includes running a beta version of both the NASA cloud and aerosol Dark Target (DB) products using AHI data in near-real time to support the NASA CAMP2Ex field campaign based in Manila during August – October of 2019. As part of these efforts we collaborated with the Worldview team to integrate the AHI imagery (true color, cloud, and aerosol products) into a custom version of Worldview designed to support the high temporal resolution of geo-stationary imagery. We de­­­ployed separate instances of Worldview at SSEC and on a local server located in the hanger in Manila allowing visualization of integrated GEO and LEO imagery. An overview of these new capabilities will be presented with a focus on our future efforts in both visualization and product development.

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