This presentation describes a framework for weather-influenced decision optimization that suggests an affirmative answer. Key ingredients include (1) a calibrated ensemble of equally-likely forecasts that span the range of possible outcomes, called “prototypes,” which are derived via machine learning and statistical techniques from a diverse set of operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) models; (2) physical modeling or supervised learning to infer weather impacts from these multi-variate weather scenarios; (3) expert heuristic or machine-learned models for mapping actions to expected economic outcomes for a weather impact scenario; and (4) the use of cost/loss, n-armed bandit or reinforcement learning to compare alternative actions or policies and select the optimal one(s). This framework suggests that increasing the realized value of weather information to society may require improved methods for creating alternative realistic, multi-variate, spatiotemporal trajectories that span the possible weather outcomes; engagement with domain experts to understand and model how actions influence economic outcomes under disparate weather conditions for diverse personas and industries; and developing effective ways to communicate results and incorporate feedback to improve the decision system. Example applications of weather-influenced decision optimization using this framework will be described for several real-world use cases.