6.4 The Challenge of O2R and R2O for Space Weather and What We Are Doing about It (Invited Presentation)

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 11:15 AM
205A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
James Spann, NASA, Washington, DC; and C. Wallace, M. Wiltberger, and J. V. Jenniges

The challenge of establishing a robust space weather capability is critically dependent on being able to transition knowledge, techniques, and technology from a research environment to an applied and operational environment. And provide a process for feedback from the operational environment to research to address specific needs. The transition process of the R2O and O2R cycle is neither research nor operations. This talk discusses the importance, the nature of, and characteristics of a successful R2O and O2R process for space weather. A description of the evolving interagency R2O2R process established by National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan will be presented.
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