Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 11:15 AM
104A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Dr. Charles Franklin Brooks' career is forever intertwined with Blue Hill Observatory and the American Meteorological Society. Having studied for a doctorate in meteorology at Harvard University--only the second such degree earned in this country, he first taught geography at Clarke University in Worcester, MA. In 1919 he was instrumental in founding the American Meteorological Society and long served as the Society's secretary with duties including editing Society publications. That activity moved with him when he took over the Directorship of Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory with an academic appointment at Harvard University. The AMS was essentially run from Dr. Brooks' roll top desk at the Observatory for many years--that desk now sits prominently in the library at AMS Headquarters.
Dr. Brooks' life will be reviewed--both his career achievements influencing so many future meteorologists and his directorship at Blue Hill Observatory. An intimate retrospective will offer current AMS members a glimpse into the life and career of the founder of the Society.