2.1 The Heliophysics Space Weather Science and Applications Program (Invited Presentation)

Monday, 13 January 2020: 10:30 AM
205A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
James Spann, NASA, Washington, DC

NASA is a mission driven agency whose science mission is focused on discovering the secrets of the universe, looking for life elsewhere, and safeguarding and improving life on Earth. Heliophysics plays a key role in every aspect of the NASA science mission, including understanding the drivers of and enabling the prediction of space weather. Heliophysics has an established research program that motivates and funds solar and space physics, which is the essence and foundation of space weather research. Recently, the Heliophysics Division established a Space Weather Science and Applications Program, SWxSA. The objective of this competed program is to enable the transition of the knowledge and understanding of space weather to operation environments, by partnering with sister agencies, the commercial sector, and academia. SWxSA leverages relevant NASA capabilities to reach this objective. This talk provides an overview of SWxSA and new initiatives relevant to space weather in the NASA Heliophysics Division.
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