J38.1 Meteorological Response to CO2 Sequestration and Storage in Antarctica

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 8:30 AM
105 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Andrea Orton, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN; and E. M. Agee and M. E. Baldwin

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is a climate intervention method that is being given more consideration to address Earth's increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and the resulting climate change problem. CDR in Antarctica through CO2 deposition and storage has been proposed by Agee et al. (2013). Agee and Orton (2016) discusses a small prototype that successfully demonstrated the simplicity of this CO2 deposition process. Though engineering developments to maximize sequestration efficiency is important, understanding the atmospheric response to sequestration on Earth's coldest continent takes precedence.

The Community Earth System Model 2.1 has been employed to run fully-coupled simulations (all model components active) of CO2 sequestration in Antarctica. Atmospheric response to various amounts of sequestration from latitudes 60ºS-90ºS during the 2000-2014 time period is examined with focus on the Southern Hemisphere. All simulations contain observed anthropogenic emissions with Antarctica sequestration to compare to the control without sequestration. The sequestration simulations vary in CO2 removal amounts; a) sequestration removes 1BtC per Agee et al. (2013) proposal, b) sequestration removes the amount of CO2 emitted per a year, and c) sequestration until the global average concentration is equivalent to pre-industrial concentration.

Results show cooling over Antarctica, Southern Hemisphere ocean regions, North America, Europe, and the Arctic. The CO2 concentration distribution changes as the CO2 moves from the heavy emitting Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere, potentially indicating changes in weather phenomena due to sequestration in Antarctica. Short term weather response is important to examine for significant CO2 sequestration at an isolated location. Understanding short term weather response could help in future work of sequestration with the various RCP scenarios that consider long term climate changes.

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