1404 Research and Application of Urban Effects Distinguishable from Numerical Weather Forecast Technology

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Yizhou Zhang, Institute of Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China

In recent years, with the rapid development of urbanization in China, the pace of urbanization in Beijing is particularly fast. As a super large city, Beijing has a very significant impact on the meteorological environment for human survival. This not only brings new difficulties to urban meteorological forecasting, but also directly affects people's health and safety of life and property. It is urgent to develop an urban effects distinguishable numerical weather forecast system and enhance the ability of weather monitoring and prediction.

With the support of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, a data set of urban canopy parameters in Beijing is set up, and the four-dimensional data assimilation technology for three-dimensional thermal dynamic structure analysis field and automatic station observation data is developed, multi-layer urban canopy model is improved, urbanized high resolution land surface data assimilation system (u-HRLDAS) and RMAPS (Rapid-refresh Multiscale Analysis and Prediction System) -Urban is developed, and electricity consumption prediction model and central air conditioning control model are established.

This paper is divided into five parts, which introduced from construction of urban morphological data sets, high resolution urban data assimilation, development of urban canopy model and boundary layer parameterization scheme, build of RMAPS-Urban, research of summer electricity forecasting technology. The horizontal resolution of the numerical weather forecast system is raised from 3km to 1km, and the city effect can be distinguishable. The RMAPS-Urban can provide the high spatial and temporal resolution numerical weather forecast products for Beijing. And can improve the ability of weather prediction in Beijing, especially in urban area.

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