5B.1 Flying a U.S. Hyperspectral IR Sounder at GEO: Trade Study and Business Case

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 10:30 AM
251 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Elsayed Talaat, NOAA/NESDIS, Silver Spring, MD; and L. W. Uccellini, D. Whiteley, P. Weir, P. E. Ardanuy, S. E. Sussan, and D. Vassiliadis

Abstract: It is well established that hyperspectral IR sounder data constitute valuable contributions to NWP for severe weather, aviation safety, air quality, and other applications. New findings now demonstrate the significant additional value to be realized through direct 4DVAR assimilation of rapid-refresh radiances into global NWP models to increase forecast skill.

Having a near-term capability at GEO over the continental U.S. is in line with NOAA programmatic goals, the WMO 2025, and 2040 WIGOS Visions. We review a number of OSSEs, OSEs, and related studies and crucial evidence from a number of planned and on-orbit IR sounders in GEO and LEO orbits to demonstrate the need for the sounder in numerical models.

A trade study focuses on technical (optics, band, resolution and domain, cadence, NEDT, processing, etc.) and operational parameters (scene selection and viewing modes, CONOPS, ground system, procurement options, etc.). A business case presents the value chain that demonstrates future potential return on investment to NOAA and the nation through an operational series and a possible pathfinder mission.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner