Thursday, 16 January 2020: 8:45 AM
211 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
The radio occultation technique had been proven to be a powerful tool to measure the vertical profiles of atmosphere and ionosphere. The properties of global distribution and 24 hours coverage are very useful for users of weather prediction. The FOMOSAT-7/C-2 mission, the follow on of FORMOSAT-3/C mission, had been launched on the second 25th Jun 2019. The new mission will provide around four times RO around tropical region and better quality and deeply profiles with the great improvement of RO antenna. In this present, we will present the capability of observing boundary layer by FROMOSAT-3/C mission. As we summit this abstract, the FORMOSAT-7 will still on checking phase, but we hope we could present the better capability of observing boundary layer from the last few months FORMOSAT-7/C-2 data.