1302 Extreme Precipitation in High-Resolution and Convection-Permitting Earth System Models

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Gabriel J. Kooperman, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA; and A. A. Akinsanola, A. G. Pendergrass, W. Hannah, and K. A. Reed

As the climate system warms, precipitation is expected to become more intensity due to an increase in specific humidity and enhanced convective uplift of low-level moisture. However, extreme precipitation events can span a range of scales from 10s to 10,000s of kilometers (i.e., from mesoscale convective systems to atmospheric rivers) and representing the small- and large-scale processes that govern these events has been a limitation in future projections from conventional Earth system models. Two promising methods have shown improvements in some aspects of precipitation intensity by better resolving the convective-scale processes or the large-scale dynamics of these events with superparameterization (i.e., embedded cloud-resolving models in place of convective parameterizations) and high-resolution (i.e., ~25 km horizontal grid-spacing), respectively. Both methods are often compared to conventional low-resolution simulations at a common ~100 km scale, but are not compared to each other directly. In this study, changes in the statistics of precipitation are compared across all three versions (i.e., low-resolution, high-resolution, and super-parameterization) at a common scale and at scales that are sub-grid to the low-resolution version (i.e., spatial variability across internal cloud-resolving model columns and the high-resolution grid), which can be particularly important for flood impacts.
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