765 Solar Cruiser and PELE–Getting ahead of the Space Weather Problem

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Scott Mcintosh, NCAR, Boulder, CO

The Solar Cruiser Mission will use its innovative solar sail capability to power a compact Coronagraphic Imaging Spectropolarimeter (CIS) to a position ahead of the Sun-Earth line and above/below the ecliptic to provide novel observations of coronal magnetism that could provide vital clues to the origins of the solar wind, coronal heating, and space weather eruptions. The our CIS is based on heritage gained from the CoMP instrument at Mauna Loa and is called PELE (Polarization and Energetics in Line Emission). The solar sail technology of the mission has heritage in the NEAScout mission. We will discuss the goals of the mission and capabilities of the instrument and spacecraft. Solar Cruiser and PELE are a collaboration between NCAR/HAO, MSFC, GSFC, Ball Aerospace, Nexsolve and Roccor.
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