2.1 Recent In Situ and Radar Measurements of Microphysical Characteristics in Convective Clouds in Desert and Tropical Regions

Monday, 13 January 2020: 10:30 AM
105 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Roelof Bruintjes, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and P. Lawson and S. Woods

The presentation will focus on microphysical in-situ measurements with the SPEC Learjet during two recent field campaigns. One in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as part of the UAE Research Program for Rainfall Enhancement and the other in the Philippines as part the NASA CAMP2EX field campaign. The measurements focused on convective clouds during the monsoon season and while clouds in the UAE are greatly affected by dust, clouds in the Philippines can be affected by pollution form either cities or smoke from SE Asia. These measurements will be related to dual polarization radar data where available. The measurements will be discussed in the context of previous measurements in these regions and the potential impact on cloud seeding programs that are widely operated in these regions. In addition, these measurements will be compared to data form other campaigns in other parts of the world.
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